The SLow Medicine Collective

Learn How To Deliver a Powerful Group Coaching Session

We love group coaching because it allows people to see themselves reflected in another, creates community and connection, and allows you as the practitioner to share your knowledge with more people in less time.

Download our step-by-step template and learn how to structure a group session that works well to facilitate engaging and effective outcomes every time!

Get our step-by-step session outline delivered right to your inbox.

We know that if you’re here, you’re someone who is on a mission to truly support people to step into their own healing potential.

Here at The Slow Medicine Collective it’s our mission to support you to be the confident, calm, and potent practitioner we know you are. As two practitioners with a combined 20+ years of helping people under our belts, we understand that being a practitioner can be lonely and difficult at times.

You know deep in your soul that you’re meant to do this work, but sometimes you second guess yourself. You worry you don’t know enough to help the person in front of you. That you might not be the right person to support them.

The simple truth is that no matter where you are at right now, you are enough.

Learning the skills and receiving the mentorship and support to help you translate your knowledge into action and facilitate powerful sessions for your clients is part of the process!

Learn How To Deliver a Powerful Group Coaching Session

Download your group coaching session template below!

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